Britannia Beach Evening Engagement


Catherine & Jesse

When looking for an engagement session location in Ottawa, I hope the first thing that comes to mind is water. I always get super excited when my dear couples chose a location with water…the blues always tie into everything so nicely!  Every once in a while, I find someone wanting to jump in too ;)

Catherine and Jesse met through a mutual friend in high school {shout to you, Dan!} and now have the sweetest TWO year old baby girl, Sawyer!  She’s actually on a few days older than my little guy, Bentley :). The best part of my job as an ottawa wedding photographer is documenting everyones stories, as a photograph isn’t cherished until it’s all you have to hold onto 10 years from now when the feelings have passed. My biggest goal is simple: when you look at a photo, I dont want you to remember how you looked, but how you felt. When Jesse proposed to his sweet girlfriend, Catherine, he knew how important photographs are and made sure to capture the moment! And as Catherine quoted: “Which is great because I basically blacked out when it happened so needed the pictures to remember!”

By putting my complete heart and soul into my brand, I’m lucky enough to only attract people of my kind. Catherine is TOTALLY my ideal client. The type of bride that’s been planning forever but open to all of my suggestions…and sends her engagement outfit before the session because she’s just too excited!!  Since they decided on a beach location, a long flowy pink dress would blend just perfectly. 

Britannia Beach is one my most favourited location on my giant list of recommendations!! Come sunset, the crowds have packed up and gone, leaving just us with the sandy beach, little green forest and rows of rocks leading out into the lake! It was the weirdest day, as we were literally tracking the weather by the minute! We thankfully ended up being in the clear from the rain and the sun even peeked out for a few minutes!

Guys… I cant WAIT for your big day in August and celebrate with little Sawyer babe!
Chelsea xo